An ultrasonic imaging device includes an ultrasonic generating unit and an ultrasonic imaging processing unit. The ultrasonic generating unit repeatedly turns on N of M ultrasonic array elements in the ultrasonic probe multiple times as an array group for scanning, and each scan an ultrasonic wave is transmitted and an echo signal of the ultrasonic wave is received. The ultrasonic imaging processing unit extracts one central echo signal from the received echo signal each time to form a channel signal, and according to the arrival time of the echo signal, each central echo signal in the channel signal is delayed and summed to generate a modified channel signal. The modified channel signal is processed for image synthesis to obtain an ultrasonic image.一種超音波成像裝置,包括一超音波產生單元以及一超音波成像處理單元。超音波產生單元重複多次選擇性地開啟超音波探頭M個中的N個超音波陣元,作為一陣元群以進行掃描,每次掃描由陣元群發射一超音波訊號並接收此超音波訊號的一回波訊號。超音波成像處理單元於每次接收到的回波訊號中擷取其中之一中央回波訊號,以組成一通道訊號,並根據各回波訊號的到達時間,以對此通道訊號中各中央回波訊號進行延遲加總,以產生一修正通道訊號,將此修正通道訊號進行影像合成處理,以得到一超音波影像。