ТОРСОН Расселл И. (US),ШМОКЕР Сьюзэн М. (US),РУМЭН Марсий Ф. (US)
1. A disposable absorbent article of clothing, forming a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction, the article of clothing contains: a single outer cover layer, forming: the front end edge, the rear end edge, longitudinally opposite the front end edge, and the first and second laterally opposite foot edges located longitudinally between the front end edge and the rear end edge, wherein each foot edge has a front end point and a rear end point, wherein the outer cover material forms a front region adjacent a front end edge, a rear region adjacent a rear end edge and a gusset region longitudinally between the front region and the rear region; the first and second laterally opposite front side edges, the first front side edge extending longitudinally from the front end edge to the front end point of the first foot edge, and the second front side edge continues in the longitudinal direction from the front end edge to the front end point of the second scabbard wow edge; first and second laterally opposite rear side edges, the first rear side edge extending in the longitudinal direction from the rear end edge to the rear end point of the first foot edge, and the second rear lateral edge continuing in the longitudinal direction from the rear end edge to the rear end point of the second foot edge ; the first side seam, along which the first front side edge is attached to the first rear side edge, and which forms the length of the first side seam, and the second side seam along which1. Одноразовый впитывающий предмет одежды, образующий продольное направление и поперечное направление, причем предмет одежды содержит:цельный наружный покровный слой, образующий:кпередний концевой край, задний концевой край, продольно противоположный переднему концевому краю, и первый и второй поперечно противоположные ножные края, расположенные продольно между передним концевым краем и задним концевым краем, причем каждый ножной край имеет переднюю концевую точку и заднюю концевую точку