An eyeball movement monitoring method and device are provided. The method comprises: collecting an image frame of the eyeball extracting a pupil pixel set (S) from the pupil according to a predetermined threshold value extracting a boundary value of the pupil pixel set (S) setting a center point according to the boundary value, and dividing the pixel set (S) into four quadrant sets (S1, S2, S3, S4) the pixels of the first quadrant set and the third quadrant set (S1, S3) forming a line, the pixels of the second quadrant set and the four quadrant set (S2, S4) forming a line, calculating an intersection point coordinate of the two lines, eroding the points of the four quadrants, and the obtained intersection points composing a pupil center coordinate set (S5) calculating mean values in the horizontal direction and the vertical direction according to the pupil center coordinate set (S5), and arriving at a pupil center point location. The device includes: a video image collecting means, an analyzing and controlling means, a display means and a storage means. The present eyeball movement monitoring method and device can directly observe and record an eyeball movement image, and analyze, record and display an eye movement state with pictures in real time.Linvention concerne un procédé et un dispositif de surveillance de mouvement de globe oculaire. Le procédé comprend : la collecte dune trame dimage du globe oculaire lextraction dun ensemble de pixels de pupille (S) de la pupille selon une valeur de seuil prédéterminée lextraction dune valeur limite de lensemble de pixels de pupille (S) la définition dun point central selon la valeur limite et la division de lensemble de pixels (S) en quatre ensembles de quadrant (S1, S2, S3, S4) les pixels de lensemble de premier quadrant et de lensemble de troisième quadrant (S1, S3) formant une ligne, les pixels de lensemble de deuxième quadrant et de lensemble de quatrième quadrant (S2, S4) formant une ligne, le calcul dune coordon