The invention relates to a method for manufacturing a woven structure comprising at least one woven wall, in which the following steps are carried out:a) weaving at least a first portion of said woven structure, said first portion comprising warp threads and weft threads interwoven in the basic weave of each woven wall portion corresponding to that first portion,b) stopping the introduction of the weft yarns after insertion of a weft yarn associated with the positioning of at least one elongate member in said woven structure, this weft yarn being interwoven with the warp yarns of each woven wall portion according to the basic armor of said wall portion,c) said at least one elongated element having a main axis, introducing each elongated element between the warp son defining with said associated weft yarn, the insertion position of this elongate member in the woven structure, the main axis of said element elongated cutting the plane passing through the warp son of each wall portion into which it is introduced,d) holding each elongate member in position and introducing at least one new weft yarn intersecting the warp yarns of said woven structure according to said fundamental weave of each wall portion or at least one new weave, to resume fabrication of said structure woven, each elongated member being unsupported in said woven structure.L'invention concerne un procédé de fabrication d'une structure tissée comportant au moins une paroi tissée, dans lequel on réalise les étapes suivantes :a) tisser au moins une première portion de ladite structure tissée, ladite première portion comportant des fils de chaîne et des fils de trame entrecroisés selon l'armure fondamentale de chaque partie de paroi tissée correspondant à cette première portion,b) stopper l'introduction des fils de trame après insertion d'un fil de trame associé au positionnement d'au moins un élément allongé dans ladite structure tissée, ce fil de trame étant entrecroisé avec les fils de chaîne