The invention relates to the field of medicine, and more specifically to the section of neurology and neuropsychology, and can be used in offices neurorehabilitation neurological and neurosurgical clinics in conducting neuropsychological diagnostics and rehabilitation of one of the components of the process space of human perception - the perception of length, is impaired in patients with neurological clinic with organic lesions brain. The device is made of transparent plastic tubular body, the back side being coated with an opaque coating of light color, and the entire length of the tubular body above and below the two rigidly fixed T-shaped guide. On each of them are movably mounted on two sliders rectangular shape. In this case the edges of the tubular device body is rigidly secured two side covers and the center of the tubular housing is rigidly fixed plate separator circular shape. In the inner part of the tubular device body by axial connections rotatably plastic plate. On one side of a plastic plate coated on two identical size scale with millimeter bar graduations and reference numeral centimeters. And on the right scale mark numbers are located in the direct order, and on the left scale marking numbers in reverse order from the plate separator. On one side of the tubular device body is mounted rotatably round handle, connected through an axial connection to the plate. The apparatus allows to work on the perception of the length of a broader group of patients neurological clinic: immobile patients and patients with impaired fine motor, to provide a convenient and fast by a specialist or by the patient himself correctly the job holding patient self study recovery perception length in the absence of a horizontal surface section, as well as a doubling of the number of jobs on the perception length imposed to the patient at one time due to onstruktivnyh device elements. 3 yl.Полезная модель относится к области медицины, а точнее к разделу неврологии и нейропсихо