The invention relates to a trap with a horizontal flap and to a manner of using the same, said trap allowing the passage in only one direction, being closed by its own weight, and being meant to catch mice, rats and other small animals living near human communities to which they can transmit diseases, parasites or produce material damages. The claimed trap comprises an enclosure (), an access opening (), a flap () with two areas () which rotate about an axle (), a hinge () for supporting the flap, a stopper (), two steel plates (), a magnet (), a recess () for the bait and a resilient limiter (). The manner of using claimed by the invention is the following: when the animal heads towards the bait by stepping on the flap () from the area () to the area (), when the force of weight exerted by the animal on the flap is higher than the difference of weight between the area () and the area () of the flap () plus the force of attraction exerted by the magnet () by means of the two steel plates (), the flap () will suddenly swing, rotating about the axle (), entering the enclosure () wherein the animal will fall, with the area (), and during its rotation motion the flap () will bump the resilient limiter () which imprints a reverse motion until the flap is fixed in the initial position on the stopper ().Invenţia se referă la o cursă cu clapetă orizontală, şi la un mod de utilizare a acesteia, cursă care permite trecerea într-un singur sens, închizându-se prin propria greutate, şi este destinată capturării şoarecilor, şobolanilor şi altor animale mici care trăiesc pe lângă comunităţile umane, cărora le pot transmite boli, paraziţi sau le pot produce pagube materiale. Cursa conform invenţiei este constituită dintr-o incintă (), o deschidere pentru acces (), o clapetă () cu două zone () care se rotesc în jurul unui ax (), o balama () de susţinere a clapetei, un opritor (), două lamele () de oţel, un magnet (), un locaş () pentru momeală şi un limitator () elastic. Modul de