A monolithic system of transdermal drug delivery comprising a layer containing a drug comprising a polymeric matrix comprising estradiol as the only drug, wherein the monolithic system of transdermal drug delivery comprises a single layer of polymeric matrix comprising 2 -25% by weight of acrylic adhesive, 45-70% by weight of silicone adhesive, 2-25% by weight of soluble PVP, 5-15% of penetration enhancer, and 0.1-10% by weight of estradiol, all based on the total dry weight of the polymer matrix, and the system includes more than 0.156 mg / cm2 of estradiol and reaches a flow of estradiol that is greater than 0.01 mg / cm2 / day, based on the surface area of said layer containing the drug, when measured using a skin penetration study using cryopreserved, partially thick skin of modified Franz diffusion cells with the receptor filled with 7.5 ml of NaCl at 0, 9% and 0.01% NaN3 in deionized water, maintained at a constant of 32 ° C and magnetically stirred at approximately 300 rpm, with samples, at specified time points, of the receiving phase (with complete replacement of the receiving phase) and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography.Un sistema monolítico de administración transdérmica de fármacos que comprende una capa que contiene un fármaco que comprende una matriz polimérica que comprende estradiol como el único fármaco, en donde el sistema monolítico de administración transdérmica de fármacos comprende una única capa de matriz polimérica que comprende el 2-25% en peso de adhesivo acrílico, el 45-70% en peso de adhesivo de silicona, el 2-25% en peso de PVP soluble, el 5-15% de potenciador de penetración, y el 0,1-10% en peso de estradiol, todos basados en el peso seco total de la matriz polimérica, y el sistema incluye más de 0,156 mg/cm2 de estradiol y alcanza un flujo de estradiol que es mayor de 0,01 mg/cm2/día, basado en el área de superficie de dicha capa que contienen el fármaco, cuando se mide usando un estudio de penetración en piel usando