Ultrasonic energy has been proven that at suitable frequency range (670-kHz to 2-MHz), ultrasound can be focused to a specific target, and the concentrated energy has sufficient high acoustic pressure so as that capable of inducing localized blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption, which has a important implication on noninvasively delivering drug into brain.本發明為一種非侵入式低頻超音波裝置,以低頻(28 kHz)非聚焦超音波方式,輔以中空過濾板以控制超音波聚焦位置,藉以穿透動物頭骨部分,藉以達到非侵入式的局部開啟動物血腦屏障之目的。101‧‧‧超音波驅動器102‧‧‧超音波換能器103‧‧‧觸發電路單晶片104‧‧‧訊號產生器105‧‧‧中空過濾板裝置201‧‧‧水槽