in the invention, (a), (b), (c) or (d) - general k u00e9plet u0171staurosporinsz u00e1rmaz u00e9koknak rl and r2 in the formula are given esetbenszubsztitu u00e1lt alkilcsoport, hydrogen, halog u00e9natom, where esetben u00e9teres u00edtett hidroxicsoport esterified or, where appropriate, mono - or diszubsztitu u00e1lt aminoc soport, cyano -, nitrocsoport, where esetbenszubsztitu u00e1lt merkaptocsoport u00e9szteres u00edtettkarboxicsoport, where appropriate,where appropriate, single or double n - substituted karbamoilcsoport, szulfocsoport, szubsztitu u00e1ltszulfonilcsoport or, where appropriate, single or double szulfamoilcsoport n - substituted; n and m each other f u00fcggetlen u00fcl0 value, 1, 2, 3 or 4; r5 is hydrogen, up to a maximum of 29 carbon aliphatic or aliphatic group, karbociklusos karbociklusos -.or, at the most, and not more than 9 20sz u00e9natomos heteroatomos vagyheterociklusos - aliphatic heterocyclic group, or up to a maximum of 30 sz u00e9natomosacilcsoport; x is hydrogen or a report of two u00e9shidroxicsoport oxig u00e9natom; hydrogen; hydrogen; or sz u00e9nl u00e1nc u00faalkoxicsoport and short; q and q 'pharmaceutically acceptable organic group, or hydrogen, halog u00e9natom,where appropriate, u00e9teres u00edtett vagy u00e9szteres u00edtett hidroxicsoport mono - or, where appropriate, diszubsztitu u00e1ltaminocsoport, cyano -, nitrocsoport, where appropriate, szubsztitu u00e1ltmerkaptocsoport, where appropriate, karboxicsoport esterified, where appropriate, single or double n - substituted karbamo ilcsoport, szulfocsoport,substituted szulfonilcsoport or where esetbenegyszeresen or double n - substituted szulfamoilcsoport or if at least one of the group's s u00f3k u00e9pz u0151 compounds s u00f3iknak deregul u00e1ltflt3 tyrosine kinase receptor kro u00e1z activity involving diseasesin particular, leuk u00e9mi u00e1k and myelodysplasticus syndromes curative and / vagyprofilaktikus capable of addressing el u0151 u00e1ll u00edt u00e1s u