This Chong makees Shi mono- Seed bone cement Zhu She Tui Jin Qi Tao Group, Qi Zhu Yaos Knot conjunctions Shang one Zhu She Tong Body of Department whats and Dings the fixed what one of Wei Nursing set mono- fixing sleeves of As and hold pipe front end, what, which holds Guan Zhong Let, Luo Xuan Tui Rod, Luo Xuan Tui Rod leading portions As mono- has the portions Mi Feng Ring Ying Quality gold Genus Tui Rod, with the portions Tui Rod Feng Ring Mi and the portions Zhu She Tong Body Inner can be protruded into, thereby, Xie Decision Now have bone cement Zhu She Tui Jin Qi Tao Group whats to push away Move Gu Shui Ni Time, No methods are due to injection tube Su Rubber Tui Rod easy Change Xing with the injection Elixirs amount Ask Questions of Steady constant speed degree injection Gu Shui Ni With control bone cements, one is provided to make using safe high Ji Tui Jin bone cement speed Steady fixed bone cement Zhu She Tui Jin Qi Tao Group Chong.本創作是一種骨水泥注射推進器套組,其主要係於一注射筒體上結合定位護套為一固定套固定於一握持管前端,於握持管中設有螺旋推桿,螺旋推桿前段為一具有密封環的硬質金屬推桿部,具有密封環之推桿部且能伸入注射筒體內部,藉此,解決現有骨水泥注射推進器套組於推動骨水泥時,因注射筒之塑膠推桿易變形而無法以穩定速度施打骨水泥與控制骨水泥的注射劑量之問題,提供一使用安全高及推進骨水泥速度穩定之骨水泥注射推進器套組創作。