This invention relates to Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) analogs and their medical uses, the invention further involves a pharmaceutical composition containing GLP-2 analogues and their pharmaceutical salts. The widely use of the GLP-2 analogues or the pharmaceutical composition containing GLP-2 analogues and their pharmaceutical salts provided by this invention in preventing or treating of gastrointestinal tract-related disorders related with mucosa injury and reducing gastro-intestinal side effects in chemotherapy and radiation therapy.本發明涉及類升糖素肽-2(GLP-2)類似物及其醫藥用途,本發明進一步涉及一種含有GLP-2類似物及其可藥用鹽的藥物組合物。本發明提供的GLP-2類似物或含有GLP-2類似物及其可藥用鹽的藥物組合物,能在預防或治療與粘膜損傷有關的胃腸道相關病症以及減輕化學療法和放射療法的胃腸道副作用中廣泛應用。