< Topic >The Bite it finishes to see, winding the tabular laver, and this tabular laver which is not the times when easiness and eating easiness are impaired the boiled rice food which it eats it offers.SolutionsBeing packed when it is dried, when eating, being wound in the boiled rice, the tabular laver 1a which is eaten finishes to see, when eating, the Bite of the sip eye by position, by the multiple holes is constituted, the Bite to see finishes to direction 25 the Bite which extends to the band-like to see finishes and section T is formed. In addition, winding this tabular laver 1a, the boiled rice food which it eats finishes to see the Bite in the same way and section T is formed.< Choice figure >Drawing 3【課題】噛み切り易さおよび食べ易さが損なわれることがない板状海苔、およびこの板状海苔を巻いて食する米飯食品を提供する。【解決手段】乾燥した状態で包装されて、食べるときに米飯に巻かれて食される板状海苔1aは、食べるときの一口目の噛み切り位置に、複数の穴によって構成され、噛み切り方向25へ帯状に延びる噛み切り部Tが形成されている。また、この板状海苔1aを巻いて食する米飯食品は、同様に噛み切り部Tが形成されている。【選択図】図3