surgical instrument for injecting a pharmaceutical product through the dense tissue of a human or animal body and method for piercing said dense tissue
SURGICAL INSTRUMENT FOR INJECTING A PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCT THROUGH DENSE TISSUE FROM A HUMAN OR ANIMAL BODY AND METHOD TO PUNCH THE MENTIONED DENSE TISSUE. The invention relates to a surgical instrument for piercing the dense tissue of a human or animal body and for injecting a pharmaceutical behind such tissue, the instrument comprising a handpiece (1) with a housing (111) for a container of pharmaceutical products, the handpiece (1) having two opposite ends (12, 14) of which one (12) is provided with an axial passage (13) connecting the interior of the housing (111) and which is adapted to pass a piercing needle (5) inserted into the container and whose other end (14) comprises means (19) for driving the container and the needle (5) in rotation. The surgical instrument comprises a member (18) adapted so that during puncture and in a controlled manner it can exert pressure on the pharmaceutical present in the container inserted into the housing (111) to prevent puncture debris from entering the needle lumen. (5). The invention also relates to a method for piercing the dense tissue of a human or animal body, and for injecting a pharmaceutical product behind such tissue with said instrument.INSTRUMENTO CIRéRGICO PARA INJETAR UM PRODUTO FARMACÊUTICO ATRAVÉS DO TECIDO DENSO DE UM CORPO HUMANO OU ANIMAL E MÉTODO PARA PERFURAR O MENCIONADO TECIDO DENSO. A invenção refere-se a um instrumento cirúrgico para perfurar o tecido denso de um corpo humano ou animal e para injetar um produto farmacêutico por trás deste tecido, o instrumento compreendendo uma peça manual (1) com um alojamento (111) para um recipiente de produtos farmacêuticos, a peça manual (1) tendo duas extremidades opostas (12, 14) das quais uma (12) é provida com uma passagem axial (13) ligando o interior do alojamento (111) e que está adaptado para passar uma agulha perfurante (5) inserido no recipiente, e cuja outra extremidade (14) compreende meios (19) para conduzir o recipiente e a agulha (5) em rotação.