To provide a catcher for an insect cassinna beetle which can protect a tree and is naturally friendly. SOLUTION: A container having a morning glory shape with an inset type umbrella on top, a two or three-fold container of a mortar type and a container containing an aqueous solution of a condensed odor of a piece of Nara wood at a lower portion Prepare and capture the insect cassinole beetle entrained by the smell in the upper container 1 with the adhesive attached to the inner side of the container and immerse it in the water as it enters the lower container, It can not rise due to the shape of the inside of the container, and it is characterized by being drowned. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION【課題】木を守ることができ、自然にやさしい、昆虫のカシノナガキクイムシの捕獲器を提供する。【解決手段】上部にはめ込み式の雨傘を付けたアサガオ形、すり鉢型の2~3重の容器1と下部にはナラの木の切片とナラの木の凝縮した臭いの水溶液を入れた容器を用意して、上部の容器1には匂いに引き寄せられて入ってきた昆虫のカシノナガキクイムシを容器の内側面に付けた粘着剤で捕獲するとともに、下部の容器に入って来れば水に浸かり、容器の内側の形状により上がれなくなり、水死することを特徴とする。【選択図】図1