This Chong Zuo Department mono- Seed are from Move vegetables and fruits Qing Xi Machine, it include Xuan Turn formula washing troughs, Vortex Liu Leaf pieces, drainage hole, Xuan Turn Rod, Shang Cover, Shou Move Turn handles, this Body, the mouths of a river Jin and water outlet Deng Suo Group at, this Chong Zuo Department Xuan Turn formula Shui Cao Let Meter mono- Vortex Liu Leaf pieces, the multiple rows of water holes Let You Xu Shang sink, And is by Cover Even Knot Shou Move Turn handles Shang Yi Xuan Turn Rod Tong Over, Following Will Xuan Turn formula washing troughs are set in this Body of Yu, by the water flow Tui Move Vortex Liu Leaf Pian Turn Move Xuan Turn formulas Xi Cao Da of this Body Shang Jin mouth of a river Guide Jin to the purpose from Move cleaning sink Inner vegetables and fruits, When water flow Tui Move Vortex Liu Leaf pieces Hous can be discharged by water outlet Will water, such as also it can be used Shou Move Turn Bing Xuan Turn Da to the purpose of cleaning without using Zi the mode of Move Jin water cleanings, the Chong of As mono- Very Ju Jin Bu With Xin Ying makees.本創作係一種自動蔬果清洗機,包括有旋轉式洗槽、渦流葉片、排水孔、旋轉桿、上蓋、手動轉柄、本體、進水口及出水口等所組成,本創作係在旋轉式水槽設計一渦流葉片、水槽上設有許多排水孔,並由一旋轉桿通過上蓋連結手動轉柄,繼將旋轉式洗槽置於本體中,藉由本體上之進水口導進之水流推動渦流葉片轉動旋轉式洗槽達到自動清洗水槽內蔬果之目的,當水流推動渦流葉片後可由出水口將水排出,如不使用自動進水清洗之方式亦可使用手動轉柄旋轉達到清洗之目的,為一極具進步性與新穎性之創作。