FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, specifically to physiotherapy and can be used in treatment of patients with postcholecystectomic syndrome. Assigning partial motion state. Feeding on a diet N5. Ingestion of low-mineralised carbonate bicarbonate-sulphate-chloride sodium-calcium mineral water Essentuki-Novaya 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals in warm form, 3.3 g/kg body weight per single dose. Foam-liquorice bath temperature 37 °C, with exposure of 15 minutes, every other day, for 8 treatment procedures including: 50 ml dense extract of licorice roots is dissolved in 45 l of water, working bath tank 200 l, extract solution temperature 42 °C, foam 35 °C. Impact of running magnetic field of three-phase pulse UMTI-ZF unit with a dedicated couch for patient, “KOLIBRI-EXPERT”. Exposure plan: version - cylinder, impact zone - upper half of body, value of induction of 32 mT near inductor and 3.5 mT in centre of ring, mode - 1:10 min irritation and 15 min stabilisation - 2 days. 5 min irritation and 20 min stabilisation - 2 days. Next 6 days - 25 minutes stabilisation each. Therapeutic course is 10 procedures daily. Additionally administering Duspatalin in dose of 200 mg 2 times a day for 14 days.EFFECT: method provides more effective rehabilitation treatment by correcting pain, dyspeptic syndrome, disturbed nature stool, improving functional state of digestion organs and increasing body adaptability and improvement of peroxide homeostasis due to complex effect.1 cl, 5 tblИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к физиотерапии и может быть использовано при лечении больных постхолецистэктомическим синдромом. Назначают щадяще-тренирующий режим двигательной активности. Питание по диете №5. Прием внутрь маломинерализованной углекислой гидрокарбонатно-сульфатно-хлоридной натриево-кальциевой минеральной воды Ессентуки-Новая 3 раза в день за 30 мин до еды в теплом виде, по 3,3 г/кг массы тела на один прием. Пенно-солодковые ванны температуры 37°C, с эк