Invention herewith described refers to the honey in the beeswax figurines and belongs to the field of the beekeeping in general. The invention is industrially applicable and adapted to the human nutrition. The invention solves the problem of packing honey (6) in the figurines made of the beeswax (4) in the form of the bee hive which is closed by the bottom of the beeswax figurine (5) so that the final product (9) honey in the beeswax figurine can have desired shape, size and weight. The finished product (9) honey in the beeswax figurine has the identical composition as the existing honey in the honeycomb and is edible as a whole. Honey in the beeswax figurine is characterized by the simple and clean production, packing and consumption as honey does not stick to hands, tools and packaging and its use in the human nutrition is simple, healthy, clean and attractive.Med u figurama od voska je pronalazak iz oblasti pčelarstva uopšte koji je industrijski primenljiv i prilagođen ljudskoj ishrani. Pronalazak rešava problem pakovanja pčelinjeg meda (6) u figuru od pčelinjeg voska (4) u obliku košnice zatvorenu dnom figure od pčelinjeg voska (5) tako da gotov proizvod (9) med u figuri od voska može biti željenog oblika, veličine i težine. Gotov proizvod (9) med u figuri od voska je identičnog sastava kao i postojeći med u saću i jestiv je u celini. Med u figuri od voska karakteriše i jednostavna i čista proizvodnja, pakovanje i konzumiranje jer se med ne lepi za ruke, alat i ambalažu a njegova upotreba u ljudskoj ishrani je jednostavna, zdrava, čista i atraktivna.