1. A method for magnetic treatment plants, food and water, comprising the mineral and magnetic storage of vegetable products, characterized in that the mineral and magnetic storage media of all groups of plant products, food products, and its water-based products interact wave, electromagnetic, acoustic or by ultrasonic carriers with enhanced magnetic effects that primarily stimulates the purification of environmental pollution and other negative factors or life-threatening in the frequency range A (10 ... 10) Hz and then transferred at constant operation or storing information in the frequency band A (10 ... 10) Hz, where A = 2,0 ... 9,98 - coefficient corresponding functional objects or plant components products, food products, food and water to her osnove.2. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that as carrier enhanced magnetic effects used magnetic tapes or digital media film means teleindustrii.3. A method according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the magnetic feedback gain value is selected in accordance with the formula Ei = K · · EO 10Gs where EO - initial value of the magnetic field objects plant products, food products, water and products on its basis G K - increase factor K = 2.0 ... 2.8, and the number n≥0.4. A method according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the carriers are amplified magnetic influence duplicate and transferred to digital media, or computer technology to digital media film means teleindustrii.5. A device for magnetic treatment plants, food and water, including mineral and Mage1. Способ для магнитной обработки растений, пищевых продуктов и воды, включающий минеральные и магнитные носители растительной продукции, отличающийся тем, что минеральные и магнитные носители информации всех групп растительной продукции, пищевых продуктов, воды и продуктов на ее основе взаимодействуют волновым, электромагнитным, акустическим или ультразвуковым путем с носителями усиленного магнитного воздействия, которые, прежде всего, ст