#$%^&*AU2013204867A120130509.pdf#####ABSTRACT A swab comprising multiple layers of several materials, including non-woven polymeric materials such as, polypropylene, wood pulp-based material, etc., and blends of various 5 acceptable fibres, that are suitable for skin contact and for surgical or other medicalabsorbent sponge, use as swab or gauze material. The swab 20 is universally and comprehensively stitched by a quilting method to cover substantially the entire surface area 21 of the gauze sheet of the swab 20, so that there is no significant or substantial portion of the gauze sheet of the swab 20 that remains unstitched. 10 Fig. 4W/ A ~ v N r~ /J-A%\-/N /. Y~~~A/ &v~/NAY~tvx K tYN/NNANAXNN/KNr A % V%i VN%-r N \s/ ANN Ai\-/A N NAN/AI\tN/ K / A/. N/s/~KNWr~~N/NNN~/VN N-,.N \/A ~ A// -N AN, \Kkx NNAY/NNYi/Nr(I K NtAY/~NN NA /N\vN /NNV/.\/ArSi i ./SAY/V //ts/N /VV/N 9 /tw/N/ /N .A~K % \$ A/t\N% 2NN ///-~S \/y ./.Ny ////\N/A//.. -A~ / A// %//"/.\ K/v A X /X/tNAK/NN/NN~tKKA~NAN/N/VNv N/N V/\s N/tQ~?/A W/~~ ~NI/ I.K! " \//N AA N/AN ///ty//t~Y &N YA~ry\W/~ A/ AN NA A A Y AkKN,/v/~ / V WY -$v. Y// AV /C V sV6V,/ ~ Y\\ ,AQA/t A AA/Q /N////tV/Y~ /r NNN NvNt W \\ /IS/WA & \\,,\/\ NN~N t.i A A7rl/J//i// "/N-.NA4 - A YA. N\ % %xNA %NN//V.-YNwtKst %NNN/ , N A" A\AN ,A A /ftXv/NN~t N LN$ ~W /W.-N N NN~At i r,7N . Si/.N j /~ay~ A~ \$.N\sy-Na%/y.,-. N/ N\N \ X/r-./iNA t"~\// ,\//NN//-./%/IAN N~ ~r.,, A.,A~t~g. N//t~N/VN/~/txA /-./NiN ~.~x " . r--% / f ~ sY X~ N/.#Nr N". NFlG/ 4AN 7 / NNN \k~NN ~AY N \~& NV/\V~t ,/NNf - //\<>/N ~ .N % A--:\ NCtv t ~--\ -4- /N \,1/ ] r../S~ /.-/G.t ty$A,.F/N 5bA,\NNN/ Fla/N N/ 5cNpNN