This invention is about a water soluble antimicrobial polyacrylate silver salt. The molecular chain of the polyacrylate silver salt comprises sodium carboxylic group(-COONa) and silver carboxylic group(-COOAg). It is synthesized by dissolving an acrylate polymer comprising sodium carboxylic group(-COONa) in water and then exchanging the sodium carboxylic group of the acrylate polymer to silver carboxylic group(-COOAg) using silver salt in water solution. Ultrafiltration member is used to remove the sodium salt generated from the metal ion exchanging procedure. A water solution of water soluble antimicrobial polyacrylate silver salt with very few impurity is obtained. The water soluble antimicrobial polyacrylate silver salt is then separated from the water solution. The molar ratio of -COOAg/-COONa of thus obtained water soluble antimicrobial polyacrylate silver salt can be as high as 66/34.本發明是有關一種水溶性抗菌壓克力高分子銀鹽,此水溶性抗菌壓克力高分子銀鹽之分子鏈上含有羧酸納基和羧酸銀基,其製備係以含有羧酸鈉(-COONa)官能基團之壓克力高分子,利用此壓克力高分子之羧酸鈉基和銀的鹽類在水中進行金屬離子交換,以得到含有羧酸銀(-COOAg)官能基團的水溶性壓克力高分子,然後再利用超過濾膜(Ultrafiltration membrane)將交換後產生的鈉鹽去除,以得到幾乎不含雜質的水溶性抗菌壓克力高分子銀鹽之水溶液,最後再將水溶性抗菌壓克力高分子銀鹽由此水溶液中分離出來,利用此法得到的水溶性抗菌壓克力高分子其羧酸銀基和羧酸鈉基的莫爾比可以高達66/34。