The present invention relates to a method for producing seed juice and seed juice produced by the same. According to the method for producing seed juice, the seed juice is produced by two stages of extracting juice from carrots, beets, safflower seeds, evening primrose seeds, buckwheat seeds, sesame seeds, black sesame seeds, and wild sesame seeds. The seed juice has advantages of being fresh juice, and additionally includes nutrients of seeds. The method for producing seed juice can be advantageously used to produce the seed juice which has well-balanced nutrients and rich flavor. The method for producing seed juice includes the following steps: 1) producing a seed mixture; 2) producing seed juice by extracting juice from the seed mixture and carrots; 3) producing seed juice; and mixing the seed juice of step 2) with the seed juice of step 3).본 발명은 씨앗즙의 제조방법 및 상기 방법에 의해 제조된 씨앗즙에 관한 것으로, 상기 방법은 당근, 비트, 홍화씨앗, 달맞이씨앗, 메밀씨앗, 참깨, 검정깨 및 들깨를 2단계 착즙을 통해 생즙의 장점을 가지면서 씨앗의 영양성분까지 더해진, 영양소의 밸런스가 고르게 유지되면서도 향미가 풍부한 씨앗즙을 제조하는데 유용하게 사용할 수 있다.