Containing the extract of the plant belonging to akaza course as the active ingredient, the arteriosclerosis inhibiter which becomes, the lectin way oxidation the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LOX-1) possesses antagonist action, the food composition which contains aforementioned arteriosclerosis inhibiter and the aforementioned arteriosclerosis inhibiter which possess the taking in control action of oxidation LDL to the cell which minds the scavenger receptor other than LOX-1, and the medicine composition which contains the aforementioned arteriosclerosis inhibiter. This invention obstructs the connection of the oxidation LDL to LOX-1 which is revealed with the blood vessel endotherium and the macrophage etc, possesses the antagonist action which possesses the taking in control talent to inside the cell of the oxidation LDL which, at the same time minds LOX-1 the arteriosclerosis inhibiter and offers the food or medicine whose at the same time safety is high composition which contains this.アカザ科に属する植物の抽出物を有効成分として含有してなり、レクチン様酸化低密度リポ蛋白質受容体(LOX-1)アンタゴニスト作用を有する動脈硬化抑制剤、LOX-1以外のスカベンジャー受容体を介した細胞への酸化LDLの取り込み抑制作用を有する前記動脈硬化抑制剤、前記動脈硬化抑制剤を含有する食品組成物、ならびに前記動脈硬化抑制剤を含有する医薬組成物。本発明は、血管内皮細胞、マクロファージ等で発現されているLOX-1への酸化LDLの結合を阻害し、かつLOX-1を介した酸化LDLの細胞内への取り込み抑制能を有するアンタゴニスト作用を有し、かつ安全性が高い動脈硬化抑制剤及びこれを含有する食品又は医薬組成物を提供する。