The enhancer of the mucoid glade of the maxillary sinus serves to lift up the mucoid glade from the bottom of the maxillary sinus and is performed with the aim of argumentation of the floor of the maxillary sinus for the sake of the embedment of the dental implant. The enhancer encompasses the handle (1) which is placed by means of the translator narrower (2) and continues by an arc into the working part (3). The working part (3) is ended by a surgical outlet (4), with the arc of the radius (R), which is sharp and capable for performing even the minimal non traumatic cut. The edge of the working part (3) must be broader from the upper part of the working part (3) because the sliding under the mucoid glade of the maxillary sinus must secure the non traumatic. So the surgical outlet (4) has greater wide (L) which is defined by radius (R1) which starts on the side parts of the working part (3). The surgical outlet is bended backwards so that it takes with regard to the vertical axis (5) of the handle (1) the obtuse angle (α) which is the most favorable α=120°.Podizač sluznice maksilarnog sinusa služi za podizanje sluznice sa dna maksilarnog sinusa i vrši se u svrhu argumentacije poda maksilamog sinusa radi postavljanja dentalnog implantanata. Podizač obuhvata rukodržač (1) koji se preko prelaznog suženja (2) nastavlja lučno u radni deo (3). Radni deo (3) se lukom poluprečnika (R) završava hirurškim ispustom (4) koji je oštar i sposoban da izvrši i minimalno atraumatsko sečenje. Ivica radnog dela (3) mora da bude šira od gornje partije radnog dela (3) jer se podvlačenjem pod sluznicu maksilamog sinusa mora obezbediti atraumatičnost. Zato hirurški ispust (4) ima veću širinu i iznosi (L) i to je određeno pomoću poluprečnika (R1) koji počinje na bočnim stranama radnog dela (3). Hirurški ispust je povijen unazad tako da zauzima u odnosu na uzdužnu osu (5) rukodržača (1) tup ugao (o) koji najpovoljnije iznosi α=120°.