ALEKSEEV, Jurijj Alekseevich,АЛЕКСЕЕВ, Юрий Алексеевич
The invention relates to equipment for use in the food industry, and more particularly for use in confectionery making for preparing confectionery pastes, seed and nut pastes, chocolate pastes and fillings for sweets. The technical result of the invention is an improvement in the performance and physical characteristics of a melangeur and a reduction in the vibration load on the assemblies and working parts thereof, which is achieved in that a method for installing a melangeur grinding disk, in which radial thrust bearings are mounted and fastened on a shaft, is characterized in that a metal sleeve is inserted and fastened in an axial opening in a grinding disk, then radial thrust bearings are mounted in the sleeve, the outer races of the bearings are rigidly fastened in the sleeve, then the shaft is fed through the bearings and rigidly fastened on the inner rings of the bearings, whereupon the installation site of the bearings is sealed by placing sealing rings between the shaft, the sleeve and the outermost bearings, silent bloc bushes are positioned and fastened on the ends of the shaft, whereupon the silent bloc bushes are mounted in seats of melangeur pressure mechanism supports.Linvention concerne les équipements utilisés dans lindustrie alimentaire, notamment dans la production de confiseries pour préparer des pâtes de confiserie, de mouture, de masse de chocolat et de garniture pour bonbons. Le résultat technique de linvention consiste en une amélioration des caractéristiques dexploitation et de masse, en une diminution des charges vibratoires sur les unités et mécanismes du mélangeur, ce qui est atteint grâce à un procédé dinstallation dun disque de malaxage dun mélangeur caractérisé en ce que lon installe et fixe sur un arbre des roulements de support radial le procédé est caractérisé en ce que lon installe et on fixe un insert métallique dans louverture radiale du disque de malaxage on installe ensuite sur linsert des roulements de support radial, on fixe