The invention relates to a process for selecting microorganisms consortia intended to treat plant material. The claimed process comprises the steps of: depositing a detecting film on a single-well plate adding a minimal medium on the detecting film, i. e. 1 g to 100 ml hydro-jellified cellulose material with a triblock copolymer inoculating it with 12 isolates for testing, randomly distributed in 8 repetitions incubating the plate for 60...120 h, while sampling the image of the detecting film and microorganism colonies, respectively, each 12 h making, in the same conditions, a witness plate, where each colony from the isolates tested is developed separately, by inoculating the 12 isolates in 8 repetitions, on a 96-well plate, with the lower part open, arranged over the detecting film and which contains in each well the same minimal hydro-jellified medium analyzing the sampled images comparing the results from the sample with the isolates developed in reciprocal interaction in the single-well plate with those from the witness plate, in which each isolate for testing was separately developed identifying the reciprocally interacting microorganisms in development as antagonism or stimulation, and in the production of compounds of interest in the lignocellulose material.Invenţia se referă la un procedeu pentru selecţia consorţiilor de microorganisme destinate tratamentului materialului vegetal. Procedeul conform invenţiei este alcătuit din etapele de: depunere pe o placă având un singur godeu a unui film detector adăugarea peste filmul detector a unui mediu minimal, 1 g la 100 ml material celulozic hidrogelifiat cu un tribloc copolimer inocularea cu 12 izolate de testat randomizate în 8 repetiţii incubarea timp de 60...120 h a plăcii, cu prelevarea imaginii filmului detector şi, respectiv, a coloniilor de microorganisme, din 12 în 12 ore realizarea în aceleaşi condiţii a unei plăci martor, în care fiecare colonie din izolatele testate se dezvoltă separat, prin inocularea