The overhead Xu Mu Raising Zhi Let Prepare of this Chong Zuo Department You Off Yu mono- Seed, Qi Zhu Yaos Department Yu Raising and grows the ground Games certain altitude position Office Shop Let and be fixed with overhead Shop plates, and Open Let have a large amount of open-work And Yu The Raising to grow Games weeks Edge at least overhead Wind mouthfuls of Shop plates Xia Fang Open Let You Tong of a Side Right Should The Shang the overhead Shop Ban of The, Right Should The Tong Wind Kou The Let You Tong Wind Gate Door, The Tong Wind Gate Door are no for control The Tong Wind mouths Kai Closed Tong Wind WithAccording this, Neng Kong Raising grow the sky Gas circulation Like states in the external worlds overhead Shop plates Xia Fang With of Games Inner, so that each Class Sheng of Wei Sheng Wu Jun Seed Right mixed by Shop Let Pads materials raise Pai Guo Wu Jin row Fen Xie Time Shang the overhead Shop plates of When whats The, it can be no using the sky Gas Liu Tong With in the control overhead external worlds Shop plates Xia Fang With The, Yi Fang Bian Tone Festival Raising grow Games Inner portion Warm degree Fang Zhi Raising and grow the portions Games Inner Warm Du Over Gao, Over what Stuffy Hot, the feelings Condition Hair for having each Class domestic animals of shadow Ring to raise raw Long are raw, and implement using the upper Real that more increases in its whole with efficacy performance person.本創作係有關於一種高架蓄牧養殖設備,其主要係於養殖場地面一定高度位置處鋪設固定有高架鋪板,且該高架鋪板上開設有大量透孔,並於該養殖場周緣至少一側對應該高架鋪板下方開設有通風口,對應該通風口則設有通風閘門,該通風閘門供控制該通風口之啟閉通風與否;據此,能控制養殖場內之高架鋪板下方與外界之空氣流通狀態,使得當於該高架鋪板上鋪設之墊材所混合的微生物菌種對各類牲畜排泄物進行分解時,即能利用控制該高架鋪板下方與外界之空氣流通與否,以方便調節養殖場內部溫度,防止養殖場內部溫度過高、過於悶熱,有影響各類牲畜生長之情況發生,而在其整體施行使用上更增實用功效特性者。(1)‧‧‧養殖場(11)‧‧‧通風口(2)‧‧‧高架鋪板(21)‧‧‧透孔(3)‧‧‧通風閘門(31)‧‧‧固定門板(32)‧‧‧活動門板(4)‧‧‧墊材(5)‧‧‧網體