1. A system for storage and subsequent processing of the compositions containing botulinum toxin, comprising: a storage vessel having a top, sides and bottom, a recess embedded in and forming part of the base of the vessel for storing isoderzhaschuyu botulinum toxin formulation and located inside the vessel for hraneniya.2. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that the recess portion adjacent to the inner wall of the vessel hraneniya.3. The system of claim 1, wherein the recess portion is located in the center of the vessel base for hraneniya.4. The system according to claim 2, characterized in that the recess of the vial is cylindrical with a rounded dnom.5. The system according to claim 2, characterized in that the recess has a conical vial formu.6. The system according to claim 2, characterized in that the recess has a cubic formu.7 vial. The system according to claim 2, characterized in that the recess has a pyramidal formu.8 vial. The system according to claim 2, characterized in that the inner base portion of the bottle, surrounding the recess, is inclined downward toward uglubleniyu.9. The system according to claim 2, characterized in that the recess is located in the center of the inner bottom surface flakona.10. A method for storage and subsequent processing TDB formulations comprising placing BT-WT or in kompozitsiif. in and around the recess vial containing recess, vacuum drying or lyophilization TDB composition in the recess a vial, sealing the vial containing dried under vacuum or lyophilized BT-composition reconstitution BT-composition to the original form in the vial and the extract recovered BT compositions of recesses vial .1. Система для хранения и последующей обработки содержащих ботулотоксин композиций, включающая:сосуд для хранения, имеющий верхнюю часть, боковые стороны и основаниеуглубление, встроенное в и являющееся частью основания сосуда для хранения исодержащую ботулотоксин композицию и находящуюся внутри сосуда для хранения.2