Currently available (-lactamase inhibitors have an inadequate effect against (-lactamases, which continue to increase constantly. There is a need for novel (-lactamase inhibitors which can be used in the treatment of bacterial infections caused by resistant bacteria that are currently difficult to treat and that produce: class С (-lactamase; extended-spectrum (-lactamase (ESBL) belonging to classes A and D; KPC-2, which decomposes even carbapenem, the last bastion of (-lactam antibiotics, belonging to class A; and the like. Provided are a compound shown by formula (I), a method for producing the same, a (-lactamase inhibitor, and a method for treating bacterial infections. EMBED ISISServer (I)Похідне діазабіциклооктану, представлене формулою (І), спосіб одержання, інгібітори (-лактамази і спосіб лікування бактеріальних інфекційних захворювань. EMBED ISISServer (I)