The present invention relates to a cuff for a blood pressure meter, and more specifically relates to a cuff for a blood pressure meter, which is joined to a blood pressure meter for measuring blood pressure and is worn on the body in such a way as to compress a blood pressure measurement site, and which comprises: a cuff band which is worn around the blood pressure measurement site of the body and is provided with an expansion bladder that expands on the inside a fluid supply apparatus which is connected to the cuff band and supplies a fluid so as to make the expansion bladder expand and a bladder separator which is provided in the cuff band and splits the expansion bladder, that is expanded by means of the fluid supply apparatus, into at least two or more parts so as to effect split expansion of the same. When the present invention is employed, because the expansion bladder which compresses the blood pressure measurement site is split by means of the bladder separator, there is the advantageous effect that it expands and contracts to a length and width that match the girth of the blood pressure measurement site and accurate blood pressure measurements can be taken.La présente invention porte sur un brassard pour un tensiomètre artériel et, de manière plus spécifique, sur un brassard pour un tensiomètre artériel qui est assemblé à un tensiomètre artériel pour la mesure dune tension artérielle et est porté sur le corps de façon à comprimer un site de mesure de tension artérielle, et qui comprend : une bande de brassard qui est portée autour du site de mesure de tension artérielle du corps et comporte une vessie dexpansion qui se déploie sur la partie intérieure un appareil de fourniture de fluide qui est relié à la bande de brassard et fournit un fluide de façon à amener la vessie dexpansion à se déployer et un séparateur de vessie qui est disposé dans la bande de brassard et divise la vessie dexpansion, qui se déploie au moyen de lappareil de fourniture de fluide,