Novel methods for prevention, reduction or elimination of the incidence of male androgen deficiency symptoms or diseases including male hypogonadism-associated symptoms and diseases associated with low serum testosterone and/or low DHEA or low total androgens in susceptible warm-blooded animals including humans involving administration of an amount of a sex steroid precursor, particularly dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) (particularly acolbifene), an antiestrogen or a prodrug of the two. The symptoms or diseases are loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, tiredness, loss of energy, depression, bone loss, muscle loss, muscle weakness, fat accumulation, memory loss, cognition loss, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, loss of body hair, fertility problems, insomnia, gynecomastia, anemia, hot flushes, sweats, decreased sense of well-being, obesity, osteoporosis, hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Pharmaceutical compositions for delivery of active ingredient(s) and kit(s) useful to the invention are also disclosed.用於預防、降低或消除男性雄激素缺乏症狀或疾病,包括男性性腺功能減退-相關症狀與疾病之發生率之新穎方法,該症狀或疾病與低睪固酮、及/或低DHEA或低總雄激素相關,在易感之溫血動物中,包括人類,涉及投以某一劑量之性類固醇前驅物,尤其是去氫表雄固酮(DHEA)與選擇性雌激素受體調節劑(SERM)(尤其是阿考比芬(acolbifene))、抗雌激素或二者之前藥。該症狀或疾病為性慾喪失、勃起功能障礙、疲勞、精力損失、憂鬱症、骨質流失、肌肉損耗、肌肉無力、脂肪堆積、記憶喪失、認知減退、阿茲海默症、失智症、體毛脫落、生育問題、失眠、男性女乳症、貧血、潮熱、出汗、幸福感降低、肥胖症、骨質疏鬆症、高膽固醇血症、高脂血症、動脈粥樣硬化、高血壓、胰島素抵抗症、心血管疾病,以及第2型糖尿病。亦揭示用於傳送本發明活性成分之醫藥組成物與套組。