A rack for a compost bed (13) comprises a rack bottom (1), a carrier (11)which issupported with respect to the rack bottom for the compost bed and a liquiddevice (10) providedwith a liquid supply (20) and a liquid discharge (21) via which a liquid canbe passed in order toheat and/or cool the compost bed on the carrier. The liquid device (10)comprises at least oneflat plate (14), one side of which faces the carrier (11) and the other sideof which is directlyconnected to a liquid-carrying duct and/or which other side delimits a liquid-carrying duct (17),which liquid-carrying duct is connected to the liquid supply (20) and theliquid discharge (21). Bymeans of such a plate-shaped liquid device, the compost bed can be heated orcooled evenly.In addition, aeration pipes (7) are provided for aerating the compost bed.