Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "КОНМЕТ" (RU)
Колядин Сергей Владимирович (RU),Тетюхин Дмитрий Владиславович (RU),Маринич Геннадий Георгиевич (RU),Егоренкова Юлия Игоревна (RU)
1. An implant for prosthetic bones of the skull, which is a curved body having a preformed for pictures of the skull bone tomography form repeating geometry skull subject prosthesis, wherein the curved body, there are fastening elements for attachment to the skull bone by means of fastening sredstv.2 . The implant of claim. 1, characterized in that each attachment means is formed in a curved body through hole, and the fastening element is a screw adapted for insertion into the through hole followed by screwing it into the bone to lock cap screw to the implant kosti.3 . The implant of claim. 1, characterized in that the curved body is made to pre operatsii.4. The implant of claim. 1, characterized in that the curved body is a bent perforated plate mesh, the resulting plastic deformatsii.5. An implant according to claim. 4, wherein the curved body repeats skull geometry orbits, cheekbones, noses, sockets and other subject prosthesis skull bone and manufactured with cuts, insertions, extensions, with, in some instances, welding of the welding and abutting chastey.6. The implant of claim. 5, characterized in that the curved body having at least one welding seam obtained after incision tela.7. The implant of claim. 6, characterized in that the at least one notch is obtained an additional mesh perforated liner welded to the body of the adjacent kromkam.8. The implant of claim. 7, characterized in that the reticulated perforated liner made wedge-shaped part for reconstruction1. Имплантат для протезирования костей черепа, представляющий собой изогнутое тело, имеющее предварительно изготовленную по снимкам томографии костей черепа форму, повторяющую геометрию костей черепа, подлежащих протезированию, при этом на изогнутом теле имеются крепежные элементы для прикрепления к костям черепа при помощи крепежных средств.2. Имплантат по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что каждое крепежное средство представляет собой выполненное в изогнутом теле сквозное отверстие, а крепежный элемент предс