FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: correction of emotional condition of pregnant woman in case of dental procedures is carried out by determination of her anxiety level before dental procedure by means of psychological testing. Type of temperament is additionally determined by Eysenck test before dental procedure. Rational psychotherapy - argumentative logical influence in order to expose and demonstrate mistakes in their reasoning, connected with wrong estimation of their own condition is performed to patients with low or moderate levels of anxiety at not fewer than two visits to dentist. In case of "melancholic" temperament rational psychotherapy in form of persuading is carried out, with correction of cognitive and emotional components of attitude to dental procedure, contributing to re-orientation of patients personal attitudes by persuading in necessity of dental treatment to improve health state. In case of "choleric" temperament rational therapy is carried out in form of psychagogy. In case of "phlegmatic" temperament rational psychotherapy is performed in form of explanation, including interpretation of the essence of dental procedure, explanation of importance and necessity of dental treatment, its safety and use for health of both future mother herself and her child. In case of "sanguine" temperament rational psychotherapy is carried out in form of re-orientation in attitudes as to dental procedure, connected with changes in her system of values by changing attitudes about necessity and importance of supporting dental health. Sedative drug therapy, accompanied by psychological testing of anxiety level, is performed to patients with high level of anxiety on first days of their visit to remove psychoemotional stress. When level decreases to moderate level, rational psychotherapy in form, corresponding to her temperament is realised, with dental procedure being realised in those patients, in who useful level of anxiety, consisting in evaluation of their condition as