The present invention discloses a modularized health gas generator, more particularly, the modularized health gas generator has the function of automatic cycling and cooling. Furthermore, the generating rate of the hydrogen-oxygen gas can be controlled through numerous electrolytic tanks which can be installed or uninstalled freely. The present invention comprises an inside cistern and a plurality of replaceable electrolytic tanks. In practical application, liquid water can be inputted or supplied into the hollow portion of each electrolytic tank from the inside cistern. The liquid water is electrolyzed in the electrolytic tank to generate hydrogen-oxygen gas. Then the hydrogen-oxygen gas is outputted to the inside cistern. At last, the hydrogen-oxygen gas is outputted through the gas output opening of the inside cistern.本發明揭露了一種模組化保健氣體產生器,更明確的說,其係一種具有自動循環及冷卻功能的模組化保健氣體產生器,再者,藉由多個可自由安裝拆除的電解槽,氫氧氣體的產生速率亦隨之得以被控制。本發明包含有一內水箱及複數個可拆換的電解槽,在應用時,每一個電解槽的中空部可自內水箱輸入或補充液態水,液態水在電解槽中被電解以產生氫氧氣並輸出至內水箱,進而藉由內水箱之出氣口輸出。M‧‧‧模組化保健氣體產生器1‧‧‧第一模組2‧‧‧第二模組20‧‧‧內水箱24‧‧‧洩壓裝置40‧‧‧輸氣管50‧‧‧輸液管51‧‧‧連通槽61‧‧‧導電元件62‧‧‧導電元件80‧‧‧排水管81‧‧‧閥門90‧‧‧出氣管