Кучков Александр Борисович (RU),Каменев Геннадий Леонидович (RU)
1. The connection of the tubular parts of the frame of the frame of the greenhouse, including two parts connected at right angles, one of which adjoins the end face to the wall of the other, having a section close to rectangular, as well as a bolt or screw for their mutual fastening, characterized in that in the end part a part adjacent to the end face, a nut is pressed in, in which a central threaded hole is made, through adjacent holes for the rod part of a bolt or screw are made in adjacent and opposite walls of another pipe. 2. The connection of the tubular parts of the frame of the frame of the greenhouse, including two parts connected at right angles, one of which adjoins the end face to the wall of the other, having a section close to rectangular, as well as a bolt or screw for their mutual fastening, characterized in that in the end part of the part, adjoining the end, a nut is pressed in, in which a central threaded hole is made, in another pipe in the adjacent wall there is a reciprocal through hole for the rod part of a bolt or screw, and a through hole is made in the opposite wall Hole for passing the head of a bolt or screw. 3. The connection of the tubular parts of the frame of the frame of the greenhouse, having a cross-shaped shape, in which two parts adjoin the end face at a right angle to the wall of the third, having a cross section close to rectangular, as well as screw elements for their mutual fastening, characterized in that in the end parts of the parts adjacent end face, nuts are pressed in, which have central threaded holes, reciprocal through holes for a stud connecting the pressed nuts are made in the wall of the third pipe.Полезная модель относится к садоводству, к разведению цветов, овощей, ягод и т.п. в парниках и теплицах, а конкретно к конструкциям теплиц и парников, выполненных из трубы прямоугольного сечения. Предлагаемой конструкцией по всем вариантам конструкции решается техническая задача обеспечения простоты и технологичности с