The present invention relates to the production of alcohol and the content of the protein contained in the lopbar as a & quot; larvae & quot; it can be used in ethanol ra & zcaron; o & scaron; an & amacr;from cereal grains, and at the same time, you can obtain dairy products, ethanola and lopbaram; the separation of flour, groats and grits, and the bran from the milled grains, the fermentation of the flour and groats, and the hydrolysis of the flour,wort fermentation & emacr; & scaron; anu and r & umacr; dze & ncedil; a acqu & umacr; & scaron; anu, biomass extraction & imacr; & scaron; anu from r & umacr; dze & ncedil; a, biomass & zcaron; & amacr & gac; k & amacr; or & imacr;The gas distillation and pelleting of the gas is secreted from the fraction by the biomass containing mainly the grain protein and the proteinaceous and cereal containing fraction. mainly & yacr; yeast, turk & amacr; t excret & imacr; t & amacr; s biomass & zcaron; & amacr; v & emacr; individual & scaron; & kcedil; or copying & quot; using & zcaron; & amacr; v & emacr; your login & amacr; l & imacr; dz 110 & ndash; 160 ° C heat & emacr; tu inert g & amacr; zi.