Kleshchenko Elena Ivanovna,Клещенко Елена Ивановна,Shimchenko Elena Vasilevna,Шимченко Елена Васильевна
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: when the average value of the measured diffusion coefficient (AVMDC) of the white matter of the brain at the level of the anterior and posterior horns of the lateral ventricles, the bodies of the lateral ventricles of both hemispheres from 1.75×10-3 mm2/sec to 1.37×10-3 mm2/sec and AVMDC of the gray matter of the cortex of frontal lobes and lenticular nuclei of both hemispheres from 1.34×10-3 mm2/sec to 1.18×10-3 mm2/sec are detected using MRI in the diffusion-weighted images mode on day 2-10 of life, the absence of a persistent neurological deficit and future development of functional disorders in the child are predicted, which corresponds to cerebral ischemia (CI) of the second degree. If the AVMDC of the white matter of the brain from 2.00×10-3 mm2/sec to 1.87×10-3 mm2/sec, of the gray matter of the brain from 1.47×10-3 mm2/sec to 1.35×10-3 mm2/sec is detected in newborns with a gestation period of 29-33 weeks and AVMDC of the white matter of the brain from 1.24×10-3 mm2/sec to 1.05×10-3 mm2/sec, of the gray matter of the brain from 1.06×10-3 mm2/sec to 0.93×10-3 mm2/sec is detected in newborns with a gestation period of 34-36 weeks, development of a persistent neurologic deficit, which corresponds to the III degree CI is predicted.EFFECT: method provides accuracy, reliability of prediction of the mentioned risk and, depending on the results, a possibility to select a more adequate treatment tactics.5 ex, 1 tblИзобретение относится к медицине, педиатрии, неврологии, неонатологии, методам определения выраженности ишемического и ишемически-геморрагического поражения головного мозга у недоношенных новорожденных (срок гестации 29-36 недель), прогнозирования дальнейшего неврологического развития. При выявлении с помощью МРТ в режиме диффузионно-взвешенных изображений на 2-10 сут жизни среднего значения измеряемого коэффициента диффузии (СЗИКД) белого вещества головного мозга на уровне передних и задних рогов боковых желудочков, тел боковых ж