The invention concerns a medical device provided with an outer part or shell and an inner functional part which inner functional part comprises a combination of units. The functional combination of units normally constitutes a device comprising a part being able to penetrate the skin of a patient i.e. a subcutaneous part such as a cannula, a sensor, an insertion needle or the like. Examples of such medical devices are inserter devices and infusion devices where each device comprises an outer part and an inner functional part according to claim 1. The invention relates to a medical device comprising an outer part and an inner part which outer part provides a functional cover and which inner part comprises one or more units being protected by the functional cover during use, the outer part comprises one or more activation points (56, 115) on the outer surface and the activation points are connected to contact surfaces of the inner part in such a way that pressure on the activation points initiates a function of the inner part. The activation point (56, 115) is positioned on a section (1b, 113b) of an outer shell of the outer part constituted by a hard material and a second section (1b, 113b) of the outer shell of the outer part is constituted by a hard material and between these two portions of hard material, the outer shell comprises a third section (1a, 113a) constituted by a soft and flexible material.Linvention porte sur un dispositif médical comportant une partie externe ou coque et une partie fonctionnelle interne, laquelle partie fonctionnelle interne comprend une combinaison dunités. La combinaison fonctionnelle dunités constitue normalement un dispositif comprenant une partie qui est apte à pénétrer la peau dun patient, cest-à-dire une partie sous-cutanée telle quune canule, un capteur, une aiguille dinsertion ou analogues. Des exemples de tels dispositifs médicaux sont des dispositifs porte-prothèse et des dispositifs dinfusion, chaque dispositif comprenant