This invention provides a walking-assistance apparatus that uses a laser scanner to detect user’s gait information, and uses a force/torque sensor to detect user’s motion direction; thus, the walking-assistance apparatus is able to provide compliance controls according the gait and force/torque information, wherein the walking velocity and the motion direction of the walking-assistance apparatus are regulated by the gait information and the force/torque information, respectively. In addition, this invention provides an autonomous obstacle avoidance mechanism; by combining the obstacle avoidance mechanism and the compliance controls, the walking-assistance apparatus is able to help user prevent from collisions with obstacles when walking in an environment with obstacles.一種用於控制行走輔具的方法,利用雷射掃描儀來偵測使用者的步態資訊,並利用力矩感測器來偵測使用者的施力方向,作為行走輔具運動控制的輸入資訊,進而運用順應性控制來達成行動輔助的功效。其中以使用者的步態資訊調整行走輔具的移動速度,而以力矩感測資訊調整行走輔具的行進方向,能產生行走輔具所需的被動行為,有效達成助行之功能。此外,本發明還提供一種行走輔具的自主避障機制,藉由結合該自主避障機制與上述的順應性控制,能讓行走輔具在複雜的環境中避免碰撞障礙物,提供使用者更安全的操作。