1. A method for artificial respiration in extreme situations, characterized in that the operation of the device having two equal variable volume filled with respiratory gas mixture in the production of artificial inhalation victim volume decreases, the lungs of the victim are filled with fresh mixture, located in the second screen, and respiratory mixture of a first volume is vented to atmosphere, in the production of artificial expiratory volume increases, wherein the first volume is filled with breathing gas from the lungs of the victim, and WTO swarm respiratory volume is filled with a mixture of breathing postradavshego.2 recovery occurs by repeating this procedure. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the revolving weak breathing victim artificial respiration to produce resonant rezhime.3. An apparatus, characterized in that it comprises two coaxially arranged bellows is hermetically fastened flanges comprising handle so that the volume of the inner bellows is mezhsilfonnomu volume, wherein mezhsilfonny volume and the volume of the inner bellows is connected with the atmosphere and a respiratory chamber via valves which are directed in mezhsilfonnom volume in the direction of the atmosphere, and in the volume of the internal bellows - in the opposite direction, with the breathing chamber is connected a flexible air duct from the front maskoy.4. The apparatus of Claim. 3, characterized in that the flanges connected by adjustable length flexible svyazyami.5. The apparatus of Claim. 3, characterized in that the duct section comprises a cavity for placing the ampoules to facilitate maintaining effective resuscitation krovoobrascheniya.6 stimulation. The apparatus of claim. 3, characterized in that, instead1. Способ искусственного дыхания в экстремальных ситуациях, отличающийся тем, что при работе устройства, имеющего два равных изменяющихся объема, заполненных дыхательной смесью газов при производстве искусственного вдоха пострадавшего, объемы уменьшаем, п