This new composting opaque garden pot (1) of chosen shape, size, and material has at least two removable partitions (2) with multiple root holes(3) covered by a sliding plate(4) forming plant and composting chambers. The plant chamber has a side excess water drain hole (6); an inside plant stem support tube insert (7) and filled with garden soil (11). The compost chamber is primed with earth worm and decomposing germs. Organic waste is (12) filled, covered with soil and composted in few weeks. The plant roots grow into partition holes (3) and suck up this nutrition for faster growth and more fruit & vegetable yields. Tree pots are bottom open cylinders with a detachable upper inlet (8) with its lid (9), a pull off handle and an inside cylindrical plastic film tube (14). Organic waste forms vegetables and fruit plants in few weeks with free nutrition, lower pollution, carbon trapping & lower global warming with more food security.