The invention relates to a case for receiving a blisterpack, comprising a first case half and a second casehalf. The halves are hinged on one another. The firstcase half is designed as a pocket for receiving theblister pack and has an outer part and an inner viewingpart and also first apertures in the viewing part andsecond apertures in the outer part. The first aperturesare at least partially aligned with the secondapertures, specifically at least where the receptaclesare located after the blister pack is received in thepocket. The second case half has a first compartmentfor receiving a first display means displaying days ofthe week, and first windows for displaying the days ofthe week in an inner viewing surface of the second casehalf in the area of the first compartment. The firstwindows are arranged in such a way that they arealigned with the columns of the receptacles of amedicament pack received in the pocket.