The invention is for carrying dog fecal matter without using your hands. Theinvention is attached to the dog's leash and holds the waste bag. Whenwalking your dog, its feces must be collected by law in Canada, and in manyother countries around the world. While the bending down and collectingprocess is unpleasant, it is also unhealthy and inconvenient to walk aroundcarrying a bag of fecal matter in your hand. The most common method usedby pet owners to clean up after their dog is to use a plastic bag, oftenbiodegradable, to pick up the fecal matter. The bag is then tied at the top toseal it, and then the owner carries the bag in their hand until a properdisposal container is found. The time holding the bag of feces can be verylong depending on the distance to the disposal container, and the handholding the bag cannot do anything else (i.e. hold a coffee cup, talk on cellphone, hold hands with someone, etc.). The invention allows pet owners thefreedom to use both hands while walking their dog and it helps those whofeel uncomfortable holding a bag feces in their hand.