The present invention is an indoor flower bed that is installed in an office, a house, or the like to plant ornamental plants, and is a stepped flower bed of a particularly convenient structure to be installed in a corner of an interior. The indoor staircase flower bed of the present invention can be placed at the corner where two walls of the interior meet, and it is a flower bed body (1) which can plant plants by filling culture soil, and water which is accumulated at the bottom of the flower bed body and the bottom of the flower bed body. It is composed of a water supply device (2) to periodically supply to the culture soil of the staircase, and an illumination device (3) that serves to shine the light of red and purple light necessary for the growth of planted plants. The indoor terrace flower bed of the present invention makes it possible to plant many ornamental plants by utilizing the corners of the room where space utilization is low, thereby improving the beauty of the room, purifying the indoor air, and controlling the indoor humidity, and automatically As it is possible to supply water to plants planted periodically, it is easy to manage, and it is hygienic by providing a disinfection device in the water supply device to prevent harmful microorganisms inhabiting the water. In addition, the indoor terrace flower bed of the present invention uses the LED lamp 32 which generates only red light and purple light, which are light for carbon assimilation of the plant, and can generate light for plant growth with minimal electricity consumption. have.본 고안은 사무실, 주택 등의 실내에 설치하여 관상용 식물을 심는 실내용 화단으로서, 실내의 모퉁이에 설치하기에 특별히 편리한 구조의 계단식 화단이다.본 고안의 실내용 계단식 화단은 실내의 두 벽이 만나는 모퉁이에 놓은 수 있는 것으로서 배양토를 충진하여 식물을 식재할 수 있는 화단몸체(1), 화단몸체의 바닥에 고인 물을 화단몸체의 바닥부와 계단부의 배양토에 주기적으로 공급하는 급수장치(2), 그리고 식재된 식물의 성장에 필요한 적색광과 자색광의 빛을 비추는 역할을 하는 조명장치(3)로 구성된다.본 고안의 실내용 계단식 화단은 공간활용도가 낮은 실내의 모퉁이 부분을 활용하여 많은 관상용 식물을 식재할 수 있게 하여, 실내의 미관을 좋게 하고 실내 공기를 정화하고 그리고 실내 습도를 조절할 수 있게 하고, 자동으로 주기적으로 식재된 식물