Yi Seed Pads Body structures, it is mainly by table Layer on one, one draining Layer Ji Fiber maos of bottom Layer of Yi from top to bottom Yi Xu Stacked He Group at, wherein upper table Layer and draining Layer Fen Do You Complex Number Strip Fiber Victoria Knitting Woven are formed, and more Ge drainage holes are formed on what draining Layer, Er Fiber maos of bottom Layer have Yi You Complex Number Strip Fiber Victoria Knitting Woven into base fabric, Jie Let have Fiber maos of arc Like of more Ge Cheng Round Shang And what base fabrics, the Ge Fiber Mao Fen Do of The are connected with its Yi Duan With base fabric, Ling mono- Duan The Fen Do With drainings Layer connects, make the Ge Fiber Mao Clip Let whats draining Layer With base fabrics Inter of The, And by the Ge Fiber hairs of The Top Brace, and it is fixed away from From so that draining Layer With base fabrics is mutually separated with a 預.一種墊體結構,其主要由一上表層、一排水層及一纖毛底層由上而下依序疊合組成,其中上表層及排水層分別由複數條纖維編織而成,且於排水層上形成有多個排水孔,而纖毛底層具有一由複數條纖維編織而成之底布,並於底布上接設有多個呈圓弧狀之纖毛,該各纖毛分別以其一端與底布相接,另一端則分別與排水層相接,使該各纖毛夾設於排水層與底布之間,並藉該各纖毛之頂撐,而使排水層與底布相隔有一預定距離。10‧‧‧墊體結構11‧‧‧上表層12‧‧‧線體21‧‧‧排水層22‧‧‧排水孔31‧‧‧纖毛底層32‧‧‧底布33‧‧‧纖毛