The invention provides a water-absorbing resin produced by reversed-phasesuspension polymerization which is reduced in the residue therein of petroleumhydrocarbon used in the reversed-phase suspension polymerization as the dispersionmedium and thereby lowered in the smell of petroleum hydrocarbon generated whenthe resin absorbs water and which is suitable for use in sanitary products; absorbers;and absorbent articles. More particularly, a water-absorbing resin obtainedby reversed -phase suspension polymerization of an aqueous solution of a water-solubleethylenically unsaturated monomer in a petroleum hydrocarbon dispersion mediumin the presence of a surfactant, wherein the residue of the petroleum hydrocarbondispersion medium in the resin is 2,000ppm or below; and absorbers and absorbentarticles, made by using the resin.