ЛУБЕР Джозеф Р. (US),ШИМЧАК Кристофер И. (US),БАНИК Фрэнк Дж. (US),САУДЕН Гарри С. (US),КРИКСУНОВ Лео Б. (US)
1. A process for the manufacture of tablets containing one or more pharmaceutically active substances and one or more binders comprising the steps of: (i) making the radiation to a powder mixture comprising said (s) of the pharmaceutically active (s) ingredient (a) and said (s), binder (s) substance (s), for a period of time sufficient to said activation (s), binder (s) substance (s) in said powder mixture, and (ii) receive said tablets of a predetermined amount of said powder mixture treated with radiation, wherein the density of said pellets is less than 0.8 g / cc of said resolution tablet placed in the mouth AI on the tongue in less than about 30 p.2. A method according to claim 1, wherein said binder is a fusible material having a melting point of from about 40 to about 140 ° C, and said powder mixture is exposed to said radiation for a period of time sufficient for melting or softening of said fuse materiala.3 . A method according to claim 2, wherein said binder is a binder was melted RF radiation, and said powder mixture is exposed to RF radiation for a period of time sufficient for melting or softening of said fuse materiala.4. A method according to claim 3, wherein said radiofrequency radiation has a frequency of from about 1 to 100 MGts.5. A method according to claim 1, wherein said binder is a binder, water-activatable, said powder mixture further comprises vodosod1. Способ изготовления таблеток, содержащих одно или более фармацевтически активных веществ и одно или более связующих веществ содержащий стадии, на которых: (i) прилагают излучение к порошковой смеси, содержащей указанное(ые) фармацевтически активное(ые) вещество(а) и указанное(ые) связующее(ие) вещество(а), в течение периода времени, достаточного для активации указанного(ых) связующего(их) вещества (веществ) в указанной порошковой смеси, и (ii) получают указанные таблетки из заранее заданного количества указанной порошковой смеси, обработанной излучением, причем плотность указанных таблеток со