РИНКЕР Мартен Йохан Фридо (NL),КЕЛЛИ Джулиана Полин (NL),СИП Ральф (NL),ПАУЭРС Джеффри Эрл (NL),ШИ Уильям Тао (NL),УЛЛЕРУП Хелле (NL),ШЭКЕН Дэви Мария Виллибрордус (NL),СУИНИ Терренс Джеймс (NL)
1. Frame for the head, the head configured to therapeutic patient, comprising: a support for a probe configured to image forming therapy or imaging, and therapy ioporu to neck (110) having a rigid construction, the support for the back of the head is adapted to contact with the patients neck and to provide a rigid support for the neck, wherein the frame has a structure (113) which covers golovu.2. Frame for a head according to claim 1, further made to:. 1) supporting the probe on the side of the head (106), and 2) support on the opposite side of the other probe, thus obhvatyvanie extends around one side of the head, the opposite side of the head and zatylka.3. Frame for a head according to Claim. 1, wherein the support for the neck is formed as a separate part of the frame (100), the support for the neck when not attached or attached, then releasably to the structure providing support for said zonda.4. Frame for a head according to Claim. 1, wherein the support for the probe comprises a probe holder, wherein the holder is slidable (167) under the head and being in contact with a support for zatylka.5. Frame to claim head. 4 in which the support for the back of the head has a slot (156), wherein the holder has a projection adapted to slidably entering the groove, the alignment provided by the groove, and the weight of the head together serve to hold the probe in place in contact with golovoy.6. Frame for a head according to claim. 5, wherein the holder is capable of selectively changing (172) to reverse the direction of protrusion, thereby allowing to change the position of probe head attached to the opposite zondov.7 without permutation.1. Рама для головы, сконфигурированная для головы терапевтического больного, содержащая:опору для зонда, выполненного с возможностью формирования изображений, терапии или как формирования изображений, так и терапии иопору для затылка (110), имеющую жесткую конструкцию, при этом опора для затылка выполнена с возможностью контакта с ше