combative aptitude classifier for breed cocks consists of a device for checking this aptitude, which comes in two versions, a mechanical and an electronic one. this device is for fixation on the animal's leg and in the place of its natural spur, at the time of its examination or presentation, through the interaction of a rooster and a place for it to undo its kicks, that is, a target (cockerel) . when a kick is correctly hit, in the mechanical version the release of a small sphere is verified and in the electronics the emission of an electronic signal receivable by smartphone application, elements that allow the counting of these kicks during an exam or presentation and, consequently, the attribution of a classification as to the combative aptitude of a cock. in the technical sector of agribusiness, to which the present invention belongs, there is no adequate way to assess the combative aptitude of a rooster, which makes it difficult for interest in the preservation of these animals, as well as the development of activities related to breeding, holding exhibition events and presenting roosters with combative aptitude. this device can be used by breeders, exhibitors or event organizers who wish, in an appropriate way, to know and expose the classification of the combative aptitude of a certain breed cock.classificador de aptidão combativa para galos de raça consiste em um aparelho para verificação dessa aptidão, o qual se apresenta em duas versões, uma mecânica e outra eletrônica. esse aparelho é para fixação na perna do animal e no local de sua espora natural, no momento de seu exame ou apresentação, mediante interação de um galo e um local para que este desfira seus chutes, ou seja, um alvo (boneco de galo). quando houver acerto de chute na forma correta, na versão mecânica verifica-se a liberação de uma pequena esfera e na eletrônica a emissão de um sinal eletrônico recebível por aplicativo em smartphone, elementos que possibilitam a contagem desses chutes durante