T. lt; P gt; this disclosure; oacute; n refers to the agent of iarn, such as the double chain agent of iarn, which can inhibit the expression of amp; oacete; n-type angiographic gene 3 (tambi amp; eacute; n-type ANGPTL3, angpl3, prote amp; Iacute; Na angopoietine type 3),Agent Ilan, including ampter L3 Tambi amp; eacute; n publishes M amp; eacute; all for the agency and composition of iarn ANGPTL3. Currently disclosed iarn ANGPTL3 agents can be combined with targeted alliances to promote administration; oacute; N-C amp; eacute; Lulas, including liver. Tambi amp; eacute; n describes the pharmacology and amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; TL3 agents for Aacute; iarn,Select one or one of the M amp; Aacute; s treatment and additional uses of the amp; eacute. Administration agency CI amp; oacute; iarn provides inhibitors on site; oacete; n de la expui amp; oacute; n de Gen ANGPTL3, which may lead to lower triglyceride and amp; eacute; ridis and / or cholesterol levels of subjects. Iarn's agent can be used in M amp; eacute; for all ANGPTL3 related diseases and diseases, including cardiovascular diseases such as hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia; P gt;<;p>;LA PRESENTE DIVULGACIÓ;N SE REFIERE A AGENTES DE IARN, POR EJEMPLO, AGENTES DE IARN DE CADENA DOBLE, CAPACES DE INHIBIR LA EXPRESIÓ;N DEL GEN DE LA ANGIOPOYETINA TIPO 3 (TAMBIÉ;N DENOMINADA ANGPTL3, ANGPL3, PROTEÍ;NA ANGIOPOYETINA TIPO 3), Y COMPOSICIONES QUE INCLUYEN AGENTES DE IARN DE ANGPTL3. TAMBIÉ;N SE DIVULGAN MÉ;TODOS PARA USAR LOS AGENTES DE IARN DE ANGPTL3 Y COMPOSICIONES. LOS AGENTES DE IARN DE ANGPTL3 DIVULGADOS EN LA PRESENTE PUEDEN ESTAR CONJUGADOS CON LIGANDOS DE DIRECCIONAMIENTO PARA FACILITAR LA ADMINISTRACIÓ;N A CÉ;LULAS, INCLUSIVE A HEPATOCITOS. TAMBIÉ;N SE DESCRIBEN COMPOSICIONES FARMACÉ;UTICAS QUE INCLUYEN UNO O MÁ;S AGENTES DE IARN DE ANGPTL3, OPCIONALMENTE CON UNO O MÁ;S PRODUCTOS TERAPÉ;UTICOS AD